Where do poets get their ideas? I’m looking forward to this Friday’s talk by poet and essayist Linda Bierds, a professor at the University of Washington. She’s the author of nine books of poetry, including Flight: New and Selected Poems and her work has appeared in the New Yorker, the Atlantic Monthly and the New York Times. Oh, and in 1998, she was awarded a MacArthur Foundation grant.
The MacArthur Foundation talked about her attention to historical detail and lyricism. In her book First Hand, she describes her work as moving between “wonder”and “foreboding,” emotions frequently “at the inscape of science.”
One of the characteristic features of her work too is the portrayal of scientists, artists and other historical figures—Archimedes, Edison, Curie, Darwin, Matthew Brady—in fictional private times. In her presentation she’s going to talk about how science has inspired her and read some of her work.
It’s in the Meese Room of the Hannon Library on Friday, May 4th, at 3 pm.